Local Shop Report
Local Shop Report

The Local Shop Report 2023, produced by the Association of Convenience Stores, highlights the important contribution convenience retailers make to the local economy and local communities.

Here in Cardiff Central, we have 60 local shops, employing 532 people. Convenience stores are important job creators, supporting 437,000 jobs across the UK.

Convenience retailers also play a vital role within the local community. Many convenience shops will raise money for local and national charities, as well as engaging with police forces, councils and local projects. Almost 80% of independent retailers engaged in some form of the community activity over the past year.

I know that across Cardiff Central, convenience shops provide an important service to their local area, often providing access to other services, such as for paying bills, accessing cash or collecting parcels.

This year’s Community Barometer report shows that the top three services that have the most positive impact locally are Post Offices, pharmacies and convenience stores. The report also shows that over a third of customers know the people running and working in their local shop very well or quite well.

Across the UK, there are 49,388 convenience stores, the majority of which (70%) are run by independent retailers.

You can read the report in full here: https://www.acs.org.uk/research/local-shop-report


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